Strategy & Leadership

Strategy is what determines the framework of a firm's business activities and provides guidelines for coordinating activities so that the firm can cope with and influence the changing environment. Strategy articulates the firm's preferred environment and the type of organisation it is striving to become
Hiroyuki Itami

Making strategic recommendations does not only consist in producing hundreds of slides or showing matrices. All this often proves useful and is needed to guide the recommendation elaboration or to justify it. However a recommendation is something else: it is about story telling.

A strategic recommendation is a story you first tell to convince decision makers. The same story will then be told again to all the stakeholders to get the strategy executed.

Furthermore, several dominant figures in the field of strategic management, now consider that this story is the core strategic intend and articulate the company purpose. It is therefore at the cornerstone of strategy elaboration. With such an approach, the usual hiatus between strategy elaboration and strategy execution vanishes.

HPh 2009 — 2020
“ Le hasard ne favorise que les esprits préparés ” — L. Pasteur