Corporate Strategy

The essence if strategy is choosing what not to do.
Michael Porter

Any approach to strategy quickly encounters a conflict between corporate objectives and corporate capabilities.
Bruce Henderson

Business opportunities are like buses,
there's always another one coming.
Richard Branson

Business strategy (aka competitive strategy) aims at generating over-performance compared to other players in the same industry (or competitive arena). Fundamentally competitive strategy addresses three major questions:

  1. Why will the firm win customers ? e.g. how to lower prices and/or pro- vide unique value that customers couldn’t get elsewhere ?

  2. How will the firm architecture deliver its value ? What are the resources & capabilities needed ? How can the firm obtain them ?

  3. How much value can the firm claim ? Will profit be sufficient to stay in business?

Corporate Strategy refers to the strategy that multi-business corporations use to compete as a collection of multiple businesses. It is qualitatively different from strategy for a single-business or business strategy. ( [Puranam16] )

Corporate strategy, by contrast deals with how to create value in a multi-business configuration. When several businesses are owned by the same company, are they worth more together than they would be worth separately?

Corporate Strategy revolves around three questions:

  1. Corporate Composition: What businesses should the corporation be active in ?

  2. Growth option: What growth path should be selected to enter in the new businesses?

  3. Portfolio Selection: How to select the best options for growth?

Corporate management (What is the optimal corporate structure and how should the various businesses be managed?) is a fourth important subject that will not be covered here.

HPh 2009 — 2020
“ Le hasard ne favorise que les esprits préparés ” — L. Pasteur